Welcome to my blog!

 Welcome ladies and gentlemen! My name is Mohamad Syafiq Bin Mohamed Faesal. You can call me Syafiq! I am from Malaysia located in South East Asia. I am born in 19 May 2005. The reason I am writing this blog is because I want to share the whole journey as a De Montfort University College Student! Fun fact about me. Even though I am from Malaysia, I never been in any Malaysia university. DMUIC is my first ever university in my life.

 I studied graphic design and art in my high school. I have decided to further my study as graphic design. The individu that enhance my enthusiast is Rob Janoff who is the designer of the famous Apple logo.

 I will start by talking about the most simple logo yet the most known logo in the world. 

Apple Logo (1997-1998) 
Designed by Job Ranoff

This logo always intrigued me as it look like a simple bitten apple however this company with this logo has made more than a billion because of this logo. The story about this logo is;

'Rob Ranoff had his initial meeting with Steve Jobs in early 1977. The initial purpose was to develop a brand's first personal computer, the Apple II. The entire design only took about two weeks. After the meeting, Rob Ranoff took a trip to a fruit market a did hundreds of sketches. Eventually, he landed on a simple memorable shape with a bite taken out of it to imply scale and avoid it appearing like a cherry'

This logo was a successful ideas even though it is simple. I always thought that a logo should be a complex and complicated shape so that it look unique and intriguing. Nonetheless, we should keep in mind why does logo was created. The objective of designing a logo is to represent of a product or company of what they selling. You know you created a good logo if people can recognize with just a glimpse. Apple logo is the best example of minimal and simplicity but somehow effective. 

I believe many people including me questioning why does the Apple logo has a bitten mark. The reason is quite hilarious. Initially the logo were made one with bite and one without a bite as Rob Ranoff said 'just in case (Jobs) thought the bite was too cute'. Rob Janoff had the idea with the bite and Steve Jobs actually like it. Rob Janoff designed a striped version, a solid colour version and metallic version. Steve Jobs find the striped version is appealing as The Apple II was the first computer that had a colour monitor which is correspond to the logo. 

Rob Janoff. “Apple Logo Story.” Robjanoff.com, 22 Mar. 2018, robjanoff.com/applelogo/.

Baird, Richard. “Logo Design History: Apple Computer Inc.” Www.logohistories.com, www.logohistories.com/p/apple-computer-logo-design-history-rob-janoff#:~:text=After%20a%20trip%20to%20a. Accessed 9 Jan. 2024.

Burns, Will. “Rob Janoff and the Fascinating True Story behind His Original Apple Logo Design.” Forbes, 26 Mar. 2018, www.forbes.com/sites/willburns/2018/03/26/rob-janoff-and-the-fascinating-true-story-behind-his-original-apple-logo-design/.


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