Website Creation: About Me

Syafiq is from Malaysia and always wanted to become a graphic designer, and at present, is studying at DMUIC and intends to progress to study Graphic Design at DMU. He always love to look at movie poster and appreciate the essence of the poster by becoming a collector. He is inspired by graphic designers Matt Ferguson and Saul Bass. Bass' use of a limited colour palette and simple clean design and Ferguson's use of layout and composition in poster design is something that he aspires to.  

Syafiq initial journey as a graphic designer began in high school when his first project creating a cafe logo and a poster for festival celebration of "Hari Raya" . Nothing would make him feel accomplished than to attain global recognition for his graphic design style. He aim to create designs that are distinctive. This is his life ultimate aspiration and he is passionate about fulfilling it.

Update: In week 7. my tutor has helped me taking a amazing professional photo for my "About" page. I also put the information of me in that "About" page. I use black colour, Suez One font with the size of 38 for the title. For the paragraph, I use white with Brandon Grotesque, size of 20.



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