Website Feedback & UX Testing

After I finish my websites, We published it in our class to test the UI and UX, to see if it functional. I created a Google Form with question and embedded it in my website navigation bar. 

These are all the questions and answer of my Google Form. I may change something of my websites design and navigation and publish it again to make sure it is working properly. For now I have only 5 responses.

First question, I asked for my first impression of my front homepage. All of the responses say that my homepage is good. That's mean my homepage design is clear and have all the navigation working.

Next, I also asked about how my About page looking. 80% of the respondent vote Excellent which is quite surprising. I don't expect my About page to be that excellent but I think I did well on my About page.

Onto next question, according to the image above is the results of how my respondent evaluate my Contact Page and Social Links. 20% vote for excellent and 60% vote for good. The 20% vote for okay saying that I should improve the design of my Contact Page and the Social Links. I may have to look to the comments to see the specific reason of this. I am afraid that the problem either on mobile view or desktop view.

After that, I want them to evaluate how my Portfolio and Gallery pages look like as this pages are the pages of the main objective of people looking at my website to observe my work. Majority of my respondent voted that my pages looking excellent. I really want to change of the aspects of my website but still for now people haven't for bad.

Then, I asked them about how my portfolio projects design look. I want them to see how my work looking and evaluate the film campaign design that I made. Based on the responses, 60% voted that my design are excellent and 40% saying that my design look good and alright. I was looking for some Okay to see if people really like my work. Based on that responses, I think my major project this term looking good then.

Next, I want to know about people opinion when they look at my websites, will they recommend my websites to other people? As websites recommendation are really effective these day. Based on the form, majority saying that they will share my websites at other people to make as a inspiration or good as a education reflection. From this vote, I knew that the viewer are willing to benefits my websites by sharing the works of my projects to make as a catalyst of designing. 

I want to know where all the viewer of my websites accessing my websites through. On my Google Form, majority vote for Computer/ Laptop as the respondent are my classmate and we did it in our class. However, if it in real world, I am convince that majority of people that will access my websites will access it through mobile phone as phone is the convenience device to access website with. 

Now, I also open a comment section so people can comments and want me to fix something in my websites. First comments related to my major projects design saying that I should try another genre. I will absolutely try to design another genre for my film campaign design but for this official first term portfolio, my theme is cyberpunk. Second comment, saying that in about page the black text is little difficult to read. I will change it. 

The description text was already white but not the title of "About Syafiq" I think that is the text that little bit hard to read so I change colour to white. Then, on my Portfolio page, my Neon Cyberpunk text is not centered properly.  I change it by clicking on the Neon Cyberpunk text and arrange it on the middle.

Then I check on the mobile view and the mobile view is the one that actually not centered. I click it and arrange it in the middle.

Third comment, the commenter said to change the arrangement of my navigation bar where my About should come in second following by contact. I change it by clicking on the Sites Pages and Menu and located the Pages to the right order. 

Then,  2 commenters said I should change the location of my Social Links location. I change the location of my link to the middle of my footer and just to make sure, I even add it to my contact page.

I also will add more social links as I acknowledge that I am lacks of social links. Social Links are really important because it is one of the way for people to see my work. 


  1. Good work on adding this - please remember to add your final reflection posts when you have completed


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