Art Portfolio 1: Project Sign Off

 For my Art Portfolio 1, I will make 6 pieces of digital 2D album cover and the final physical 3D is going to be a printed vinyl cover. This outcome is mainly focus around youth and young adults (Gen Z) that very keen into music. Pop art artist that I have been really looking forward for my inspiration throughout this project is Peter Blake as his work like "WHO" is relatable to my project. Also, I am going to make a research about Peter Blake work and how album cover is designed. The 6 2D pieces should hand drawn and I will gradually develop all the 6 ideas throughout the process. For my final outcome, it will be a printed vinyl and I will surely take the advantage of DMU workshop print machine as printing is really crucial for graphic designer. During the process of this project, I will improve my skills with Adobe Photoshop and use new software like Adobe Illustrator. The portfolio outcome will be the finish of 6 2D design and one 3D and will be in my website. This project will be done before the deadline which is week 9. 

This is the kind of result that I need to achieve for Art Portfolio 1:

SOME OF THE SOURCES OF POP 5 by Peter Blake (2007)
Source: Hicks Gallery 

You can find my Project Sign Off here. I will be working on this project for the whole term and I will start my research in the next post. 

This is my week 8 Project Sign Off sheet. From that sheet, I will improve and add some more things that my tutor encourage me to do.


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