Art Portfolio: Project Plan

After I finish my sign off with my tutor in week 3, we did some rough planning of what I am going to do throughout my whole term week by week. Out tutor did provide us the template to use for the planning. This is my planning: Art Portfolio Planning

In week 3, it was just a sign off week and I discuss about my project with my tutor. My tutor did suggest me something regarding about my project. After discussed, I am planning to establish my own band name and make an album cover for that. I am not actually going to make a song just merely the album cover.

In week 4, I am going to make a research on artist that I have found and also Zoe helped me find the artist. The artist that I am going to research their work are Peter Blake, Mario Schifano, Tadanori Yokoo and Jerry McDaniel. I will look at several of art pieces that their made to make a research and become my inspiration for my project. Then, I will make a concept research specifically album cover concept. This research I will figure out how the album cover work and what elements that I should add in my album cover. In addition, Naomi also said in week 4 we are going to the DMU Library to search some good source. I will take advantage of that too.

In week 5, I will be exploring new software that is Adobe Illustrator and since I had already used Adobe Photoshop in the last term, I am just going to improve my skills. I will explore, develop and improve my skills by watching professional graphic design in YouTube and I will try to comprehend and utilize the tools that Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop offer. 

In week 6, I will start the rough sketch of my album cover design. This album cover will be in 2D and I will make 6 of it. The sketches also need to be stick to the concept of album cover. Also, I will be designing the digital 2D pieces using Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop. I might be sketch the album cover earlier than what I plan and develop it through out the week.

In week 7, I should already be finish all the digital pieces of album cover so I can print it. I already been in Fine Art printing workshop induction, so, in week 7, I will probably go to Fine Art workshop frequently to print my design and finalizing it very neatly.

In week 8, I will upload all my digital design and my final 3D design with a great picture so it look professional as it in my website. Then, I will polish my blog making sure that every process of my project will be provided in the blog for greater mark. After that, I will finalizing my portfolio.

In week 9, I should be finish everything and be ready to submit my portfolio for term 2. 


  1. Please could you add a link to your project plan


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