Art Portfolio 1: 3D Album Box Process

 In this post, I will be showing the process of my presentation making my album in 3D. In my recent post, I talked about I change the method of me presenting my 3D outcome. This will be the process.

When I talk to my tutor, Zoe, she suggest me to present my 3D outcome using this 3D transparent box:

I have decided to proceed with this idea. However, to print my album, I need resize it. So, I went back to Adobe Photoshop and create a canvas with 9 cm width and height with bleed so when I print it, I wont lose any edges. I resize all the 6 albums and move them into the A4 size paper in the new canvas. Then I save it as one file. After that, I went to Kimberlin Library DMU and print it right there. This is the results:

After that, I starting by cut all of them into 6 pieces with the same size.

Next, I started to glue all of them on the box that came with the transparent box. hen, I seal it with the transparent box. This is my final outcome:

For the website presentation, I will be using the DMUIC photography studio to take a proper photograph of my 3D outcome. This update will be on Wixsite update post.
