Art Portfolio 1 Project: Andy Warhol Further Research

 In this post, I will be making a further research about Andy Warhol. I am going to research his sense on art work, how he make it and what inspired him. 

Andy Warhol was and still known as the amazing artist with highly paid because of his commercial illustration that he made. His famous screenprinted images work include like Marilyn Monroe and Soup Cans and his work present a Pop Art movement. His work typically drawings like comic, decorative and whimsical. (The Art Story, 2010) The artist that he was influenced such as Marcel Duchamp,  Jasper Johns and Roy Lichtenstein.

Campbell's Soup I: Tomato by Andy Warhol (1968)

One of his popular artwork is "Campbell's Soup I: Tomato" which is a commercial goods paintings and the debut of the "Pop Art". He was using photographic silkscreen prints, and print a lot of variations with different colour to mass-produce his artwork purposely. (Britannica Kids, n.d.) The ideas of that really make Andy Warhol that it suit him. In this work, he intended to make something that should be easily to recognize but also stimulating to the viewer eyes. From that fundamental, he came up with advertising via images of consumer goods and ad imagery of products that really catch public eyes back in the days in America. (The Art Story, 2010)

I can see here, in term of colour, to attract the public eyes, Andy Warhol use bright and bold colour and the decision of using the repetition of the soup cans enhance the ability to mass produce his work. (AE, 2023) This is important as this is how Pop Art work for Andy Warhol. Pop Art does not need to be utterly bright colour but Pop Art also consider the ideas of culture, for instance here product that had the majority consumerism.

Marilyn Diptych by Andy Warhol (1962)

Another popular art that Andy Warhol made was Marilyn Diptych where he made a lot of photograph of Marilyn Monroe for fifty times with silkscreen technique on two silver canvases. I can see here the left side of the canvas is the vibrant version of Marilyn Monroe, and the left side is black and white and it have quite a sentimental elements embedded in the art. Andy Warhol initiate his inspiration of paintings the American star, Marylin Monroe, after the star apparently dead because of suicide. (Tina Rivers Ryan, 2015) The left side of the paintings is depicting Marilyn Monroe skin in purple which is actually resemble as an embalmed corpse (Tina Rivers Ryan, 2015), meanwhile, the right side showing the picture of Marilyn Monroe goes faded that expression of Andy Warhol telling that Marilyn Monroe existence is slowly fading from the world (Tina Rivers Ryan, 2015). 

How he is making his paintings is included in Pop Art is because he practicing his art with adapting the celebrity culture with agenda that known to the public, and this is complicatedly distinguish of his movement either between art or commerce (AE, 2023). I can see that his work here is mostly using the technique of Silkscreen, and the colour he made some are highly contrast which is inspiringly Pop Art and using grayscale to indicate emotion or feelings such as life and death.


AE (2023). Andy Warhol Facts - Artist’s Life Famous Works & Art Influences. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 May 2024].

Britannica Kids. (n.d.). Andy Warhol. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 May 2024].

The Art Story (2010). Andy Warhol. [online] The Art Story. Available at: [Accessed 26 May 2024].

Tina Rivers Ryan (2015). Andy Warhol, Marilyn Diptych. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 May 2024].


  1. You have written this and this is all information that is out there but why are you looking at these designs in relation to your work?


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