Art Portfolio 2: Colour Studies

 In this post, I will be experimenting with the colour and form a colour pallete out of it. I will be researching about my project theme colour, which is Halloween, and have a look at Connecticut ambience in that current of time since Halloween happen around Autumn season.

For a starting point, I am going to see a rough picture of Autumn in Connecticut then relate it to Halloween. This is the first picture: 

As I can see here, this photos pack and fill with the variation colour of yellow and orange. I open the picture in Adobe Illustrator and I extract the colour palette based on that picture. This is what I got:

I pick the colour roughly and not as details because I want to relate the colour to the theme. From my point of view here, I can see a wide range of yellow and orange. As for this reason, using a colour palette of yellow and orange would be appropriate for my design and that current season. 

Then, I head to my browser and do some bit of colour research of Halloween. According to Zito and Lemire (2023), Halloween colour stand and known with the combination of orange and black and purple and green. Then I did some search about the colour palette. This is what I got so far:

Fig 1
For Fig 1, there are a range of orange colour palette that I can apply in my design.

Fig 2
Fig 2 is a bit of a diverse combination of a colour which include the green and purple. This colour palette is amazing, however, I need to consider the season which cause me to not use this colour palette.


After the weeks 6 catch up tutorials, my tutor Zoe, consult me to think about the color palette again and make more limited as I need to apply it in my design. I will make form a new colour palette and try it with typography as a testament. This is the color palette that I got: 

After got all of this 4 colour palette, I use this color palette and test it with typography and play with it. This is how it look like:


Zito, B.B. and Lemire, S. (2023). Wait: Why is Halloween all black and orange? The meaning behind the holiday’s colors. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Jul. 2024].


  1. Follow up this post with demonstrations of how you are using these palettes to experiment with the look, mood and composition of your designs for the brief.


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