Art Portfolio 2: Pre-Project Outline

 In week 2, I met my tutor for a tutorial for my Art Portfolio 2 project. We have discussed about the outline of my project and my tutor provide me a great support of ideas. This is the brief: Art Portfolio 2: Pre-Project Outline

What I have discussed with Zoe that, every experiment that I should do is all digital since my progression route is Graphic Design. In my post of ideas development, I will experiment with pictures and using Adobe Photoshop to alter the image or add something like text.

With my 2D projects, she showed and introduced me some brilliant example of branding work, poster, brochure and tickets. Also, she suggest me a good artist for me to do a research about them. Sam also suggest me a great example of artist that I can refer for research.

For my next step, I am going to experiment with the elements of picture for my branding and play with font as typography. Then, I will take a look at my 2D possible outcome like poster, brochure, tickets for my initial research. Next, I am going to make an artist research that Zoe and Sam suggested me. To enhance my outcome, I also will watch YouTube videos to learn some skills and maybe make a technical research about it. 
