Art Portfolio 2: Technical Research

Since the term is already halfway through, I should be more focusing towards my actual design. As the reason for that, I should be looking for the technical research of my outcome. I ought to research about campaign poster, tickets, brochure and digital billboard and study about it in details. 


Establishing and organizing an event needing the audience to be aware that they are event organized, and one of the methods is designing the poster for an event. The purpose of designing a poster is to grab the attention of the viewer and inspire their curiosity out of it.(Kupferberg, 2023) With that, it can encourage them to attend the event and trying to explore what it is about.

On the creation of making a poster, I should have known the guide that should be following and using the correct format. The initial thing that I need to know is about the dimension of the poster. For Art Portfolio 2, my Art Portfolio 2 project require me to design a digital poster. Even though it is digital, the poster should be the highest quality, hence, using the large size Large Poster: 24” x 36” (61 x 91 cm) as this size is super suitable for advertising an events. (Sheikh, 2021) Then, I should be determine the target audience of my poster. I am going to choose a quite diverse range of target audience since I am making a festival event poster that suitable for kids and above. 


Ticket is the allowance for the public to attend an event. Therefore, it is importance for an organizer to provide a efficient ticket system as it can make the public convenience to attend it and also it could enhance the comfortable experience. (Eyekiller, 2023) As the reason of that, is it the duty of the designer to make sure that the design of the tickets are are impactful and correspond with the brand. It is important that designer understand the guidelines so it will meet the least requirement for it to effective and avoid mistake. Girdhar (2021), has provided a visual guidelines and it is super helpful.

fig. 1, How to design a ticket for your event? by Girdhar (2021)

From the fig.1, I can evaluate that digital tickets are significantly increase and traditional tickets are getting left behind. 

It it crucial to know the dimension, format and size of the ticket that I am going to make. Since I am going with digital ticket, I need to know where is the location of distribution of my tickets. According to (n.d.), there are multiple platform that can distribute tickets, like Twitter and Email, where Twitter average minimum size is 600 x 335 pixels and 600 x 620 pixels wide and adjustable for the length and this is for the Email. The elements that I ought to include to meet the requirement as a ticket are name of the event, date and time, location, brand or event organizer and contact information. (Jade, 2023)


In my Art Portfolio 2, I need to design a brochure, specifically digital brochure. In general, the function of brochure are a brief of introduction information of a business, a products or services and how to utilize it. (Printing Progess, 2024) This can help the attendant of an event to briefly understand what the even have an offer, or help the customer to understand with the products. There are many types of brochure like, tri-fold brochure, z-fold brochure, roll fold brochure and double parallel brochure. However, for my Art Portfolio 2 projects, I am going to design a digital brochure instead of physical. In week 6, while I am having my tutorial with my tutor, Zoe, she suggested me a good websites to use to design my digital brochure which is and . 

Moreover, I should focus on the content that I should be included in my brochure, which is Animation Screening, Pumpkin Party, Fancy Dress competition, Exhibition of Gothic Art at the Cultural Centre, Children’s Trick or Treat. 

Digital Billboard

In this term project, I will be making a Digital Billboard, which is a new experience to me as I never making a digital billboard. The first ever thought crossed my mind was what software should I use. When I was having tutorial with Zoe, she recommend me to use ClipChamp, however, I discovered a free video editing software that got more function and effects which is really amazing for me. The software is Davinci Resolve 19. 

There are many of digital billboards like, standards digital billboard with no interactive elements, interactive digital billboard, 3D digital billboard and custom digital billboard. There are multiple advantages of using digital billboard as Versa Creative (n.d.) claim that digital billboard own the ability to increase the visibility of the advertisement, thus attract the viewer attention. Moreover, digital billboard is convenient for editing with no cost paying for physical materials and one digital billboard could spread multiple messages.  In order to achieve a spectacular impacts of the digital billboard, the design of the digital billboard should be clear and easy to read even since digital billboard have distance between the public. (user_matt, 2023) 

I have decided to make a video digital billboard in bus station with interactive elements that is QR code that will be link to my website for further information. I will set the dimension vertical with size of 1080 x 1920. I am planning to mockup this on a picture.


Creative Harmony UK. (2023). Creative Harmony. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Aug. 2024].

Eyekiller. (2023). The Crucial Role of Event Ticketing Systems. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Aug. 2024].

Girdhar, A. ed., (2021). How to design a ticket for your event? [online] Appy Pie. Available at: [Accessed 13 Aug. 2024].

Jade (2023). How To Design Event Tickets - Blog & News | Orion Print. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Aug. 2024].

Kupferberg, J. (2023). Campaign posters: A uniquely powerful tool for campaigns. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Aug. 2024].

Printing Progess (2024). What is a Brochure and Its Purpose? - Printingprogress. [online] Printingprogress Ltd. Available at: [Accessed 16 Aug. 2024].

Sheikh, M. (2021). How to Make a Poster: Beginner’s Design Guide (& Templates). [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Jul. 2024]. (n.d.). Ticket Size - Dimension, Inches, mm, cms, Pixel. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Aug. 2024].

user_matt (2023). How To Design A Billboard | Digital Billboard Design Tips. [online] Amplify Outdoor. Available at: [Accessed 30 Aug. 2024].

Versa Creative. (n.d.). 10 Benefits of Digital Billboard Advertising. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Aug. 2024].
