Art Portfolio 2: Finalising Brand

Since it is already halfway of the term, and I am still way back behind, I am going to finalise my branding here. I will finalise by deciding my logo, logo typeface and slogan. Then I am going to test the brand logo on a mock up.

Based on my primary research post about the questionnaire, I analyze it and came to conclusion that the most likeable logo brand is this one: 

This is the logo that most likeable. Furthermore, I am thinking about slogan as Adobe Experience Cloud Team (2023) claim that creating slogan is one of the aspects that make the brand much more impactful and recognise by the audience. Based on my brief, the Cromwell was burned down by nature disaster and being renew and improvise with different name, which is New Cromwell. I am thinking of slogan like "Rebirth of the Cromwell". However, I really need to rethink about it as my brand is for the festival, and to emphasized it is Halloween Festival. I need to relate about the Halloween and my brand as a slogan. Since my brand is inviting the public to attend the festival, my slogan should be something that invitational. (Rodhe, 2023) This is the recommendation from Rodhe (2023):

  • You’re invited to our haunted (open) house
  • Join us for a magical night
  • Skip the spooky. Join us for fun!
  • Come to [location] for fun and frights on Halloween night
After thinking about it, I decided to use the slogan of "New Cromwell. New Halloween."

Then I am going to test this with the template that I made. This is how it look like:

Taglines updates

After my tutor Sam, review my taglines, He suggest something else that suitable for the branding of the New Cromwell. This is the ideas that he provide me:

  • New Cromwell Reborn, Halloween Will Live on Forever
  • Screaming fun for all
  • Embrace the spirit of Halloween with our truly wicked festival experience
  • This Halloween, let’s fix up the fright! 
  • Join us for a spooktacular night of revival and revelry in our small town. 
  • Don’t just haunt the streets, make them shine! 
  • New Cromwell Halloween is......RESURRECTED

Then, I take my time processing the ideas and trying to generate a tagline because I want to avoid using the exactly same as my tutor game. I am rethink the ideas of the "Resurrect" is a really suitable word for the New Cromwell tagline as New Cromwell supposedly to my brief is being renew, reborn or resurrect from the fire tragedy. I came up with the new ideas which is "Resurrection of the New Cromwell Halloween"


Adobe Experience Cloud Team (2023). Building a brand — a step-by-step guide. [online] Adobe. Available at: [Accessed 9 Aug. 2024].

Rodhe, A. (2023). 36 Enchanting Halloween Marketing Slogans (+Ideas to Treat Your Customers!). [online] Loqalic. Available at: [Accessed 9 Aug. 2024].


  1. Wouldn't the logo look better larger on the bracelet? Or as a watermark that goes across the bracelet end to end? I'd consider trying some other versions before you commit to this.


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