Art Portfolio 2: Ideas Development

In my tutorial with my tutor Zoe, she recommend me to straight away dive in into exploring my brand so I can move on into making poster, ticket and brochure. In this post I am going to experiment with bunch of illustration and using Adobe Photoshop to edit it and develop the ideas. This is the photo or illustration that I got from free website, and I am going to experiment with it.


Also, I made a internet research to find a suitable font that would be appropriate for my theme of my brand. I need a font that would convey the message of being scary of horror. I found 3 very good font in this website, This is the font:

After I gathered all this elements, I head to photoshop to experiment with these elements. The aspects that I am going to experiments are the shaped, color, position and alignment.

I use Adobe Photoshop to change the shape of the picture. I decide to change the shape of the picture to circle just for this ideas development. Then I am going to use Photoshop again to add a text that I downloaded. This is the results:


  1. This post needs a bit more commentary on how you think you can use these individual elements, sketches/digital that demonstrate how you are adapting these ideas visually. Follow up on this post with how this has helped your development. You also need to post your development sketches and studies from Week 2.


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