Art Portfolio 2: Wixsite Update

After I done with everything, it is time for me to update my website a do a bit of decorating to make it seem neat and tidy. First things first that I change in my website is I added a new Social Links which is Instagram. 

Then, I want to make a new page for my portfolio, I went to Site and Pages and I go to my Portfolio pages. In Portfolio page, I decided to rearrange the position of my project. Instead of list it vertically, I put in upside down triangle shape. Then I added a new image for my Art Portfolio 2 projects. Also, I add a new button that will direct to my presentation of my projects.

After that, I take a quick look on the real website and I notice the background is very bland. So, to make it look good. I change the color related to my theme. which is neon theme. The button text seem difficult to see, so I change it too. 

Next, I go proceed to Portfolio sub pages, which I named it "Resuscitate New Cromwell Halloween". The page was blank, so I change the background color to orange to match the Halloween theme. I added a text too for my Title of the projects, tagline and my concept. For the title I use custom font that I downloaded, the font I used in my poster too. After the text, I started by putting all the picture of my projects, this include the logo that I did, 4 poster, tickets, brochure and digital billboard.

Furthermore, I proceed into checking the mobile view because it might be vary from the desktop view. In the mobile view, everything is a mess. So, I rearrange it. 


  1. This is not much of an update I am assuming your adding to this


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