Art Portfolio 2: Reflection

In this post, I will be writing a reflection about the overall project that I did in Art Portfolio 2. I will be evaluating my initial thoughts, development, progress and process, and outcomes.

In the beginning of term 3, I really make myself believe that the project will be as the same as the Art Portfolio 1, which I can design and choose my outcomes base on the theme. However, that was not in Art Portfolio 2. In my first Art Portfolio 2 class, I was given a brief of project of what I should I do. The concept that my tutor introduced to us, about a town call Cromwell in Connecticut was burned down to ashes, and it was trying to  be reborn as New Cromwell. My task in the brief was trying to bring the spark of Halloween festival in New Cromwell. I required to publish a brand, 4 set of poster, tickets, brochure and digital billboard. Initially, I was really overwhelmed by the amount of outcomes that I need to do due to my recent project was not as much as in Art Portfolio 2. I was a bit lost but I was not discourage myself. I did find some inspiration for my outcomes with the assist of my tutor Zoe. In addition, I was exploring about Connecticut to enhance my comprehension. That is how I got the idea of serpent because of the mythical creatures in Connecticut. Then, I have seen Halloween festival but I have zero knowledge about what is Halloween because there is no Halloween culture in my country, hence I have never experience it. So, I did a research about Halloween, the most important part is the elements of Halloween and the color that focus about Halloween since I will be applying that in my design. Besides, from what I noticed that, I am lack with artist research for this term but I was over focus on the technical research. I did that because I was too worried that my technical was lack that I can not achieve my outcomes since I am not good with software yet. However, I would do this again in future, I would balance the technical and artist research for more inspiration. 

In the overall development of my projects, I did not grasp that successfully. I was lack of development of showing how I achieve my outcomes. My tutor told me that I should show development that indicate me as a Graphic Design. She also emphasized that I should explore deep about typography and apply it in my design. I really think that I should do a research about typography artist. As the reason for that, my progress and process was a little bit lost. However, I did research about color but if I did focus on typography I think It would be greater. In the making of my outcomes, I have used three software, that are Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Davinci Resolve. Based on my experience in high school, I was excel in the technical of Adobe Photoshop but not in Adobe Illustrator. That was the reason I was worried about my outcomes for my poster. But that did not discourage me to not use Adobe Illustrator since I know that Adobe Illustrator is one of the compulsory software that I should be excel in as a Graphic Designer in employment field. Most of my outcomes design I used Adobe Illustrator in comparison back in Term 1 and Term 2. After that, the things that did not came to my expectation is making a video. Becoming a video editor was once my ambition when I was in high school, that was why I know Davinci Resolve as I used back when I was in school. To be frankly, the difficulties was not as tough as I thought. Overall, I really should remind myself that I should show more development of my Graphic Design and show the actual process and progress of how I develop my ideas.

 Last but not least, my overall outcomes is fine I suppose. However, I think the outcome that I did not quite nailed it, is my brand outcomes. Honestly, I was confused about branding. Is branding about a logo only? Or is it about my products? I was lost because how I am going to relate my brand with my poster, brochure and digital billboard. That is the only outcome that I did not successfully beat it. Other than that, my poster was alright but the one poster about skeleton that coming out of the underground was a bit off. I use the combination of Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop for that design. I really think that the gravestone should be a photo not a vector. Next, my tickets is the only design that I applied my brand. It was as a watermark in the background just as how Sam told me to do so and I think that really helped me. My brochure was good and full of information of the event. I used Heyzine to make it digital and flip-able. Lastly, but digital billboard. Since it is my 3D outcomes, after I edit the video, I used a stock images of digital billboard and use it to put my video on. That is how it will look like in real life. 

In conclusion, I admit that I was not doing very great this term. But I really hope that my outcomes really boost my mark. I should do more research, show more development, more process and progress. In the future, I will definitely remind myself to excel in that in order for me to become a successful Graphic Designer. 
