Creating Advert Initial Ideas

 In my recent class discussion, our tutor teach us about Typography and Layout about advert. Then, I need generate my own ideas how do I want to advert about and the aspects of what should I put on the adverts. For this advert I am thinking of my favorite animal that is Cat! Everyone love cats! So, the market focus would be wide range. Here are the ideas that I produce: 

  • Cat Lover 
  • Foster Cat Campaign 
  • Adopt a cat
  • Save the cat
I search through Google search engine related to the cat advertisement to squeeze more ideas.

Adopt A Cat
Source:  Right MEOW

This poster of advertisement is really minimalist because of the cat illustration. I personally think, it is better to put a real picture of a cat because people or can we it as customer want to see the real picture of their cat. They gonna adopt a cat and for sure they want to see the cat. Regardless, I think the color scheme of the advert are very soothing. Combination of the background and the text really suitable for the advert. I think this will really work well with Gen Z customer because they tend to love illustration like me. Though, it could be possibly just me.

(Pick an images related to the topic)

Adopt Me!
Source: Pet Rescue

This advertisement here are really straight forward in my perception. The designer of this poster put a real cat that are available to adopt. Right top left corner is obvious showing that the cat need a adoption. There is nothing complicated about the picture. They put the logo at bottom left corner with a right side bar with full of information. To my understanding, the provided information are very helpful. They give a details and kind of meticulous notes about the cat. For the read, if they are interested, it would be smooth process to reach out the company that provided that.

Source: Catsparella

About this advert, the color is the first thing that captured my eyes. The scheme color of the text really look well with the cat in the background. The orange color of the cat really standing out. They put a quotes about the picture of someone experience of adopting a cat. I think this really encourage the viewer of this advert to adopt a cat after read it. They put the logo at bottom right corner. Not going to lie, the details are quite limited here. Not are much as the second picture. Put it does convey the message to the viewer. 

Save Homeless Kittens
Source: The Feline Foundation

This poster advert to save the homeless kittens. Nothing wrong about that. However, the color combination just irritate my eyes. The cyan color just does not seems right. The design also is very old look alike. To me, it seems like edited in Windows XP. Not this my type. Though, the kitten still cute.

Fosters Needed
Source: Pet Finder

This advert are straight away to the objective. We can see the designer put all the details on the poster for those who want to adopt a cat. I believe this poster main focus are for millennials because of the design. The design does not look modern like Gen Z poster are. But the message still received. 

After going thoroughly through all the design of the advert, I think I have my verdict. I want my advert to attract people. By that's mean, I need to pick a good color combination. Good color combination could attract people eyes. The market of adopting or faster a cat are perhaps wide. However, my target customer are from Millennials (1980-1994) to Gen Z (1995-2015). Now I have my target, I think to generate a good ideas of name of the advert, logo or brand of the advert with a tagline that intrigue or can captured people eyes. 

I will now searching for a subject of my advert that is Cat. I want to convey the main objective of the message of my advert. At the same time, I need to make it as an advertisement to adopt. An exaggeration might work. I want to call my advert as "The Fluffy Purr..."

I then began my research about cat or kitten photo. This is my results:

Source: Calico Cat 

I like this cat picture because the color of the fur. The cat have three color which are white, black and orange. This color might be useful to the color of the text. I have ideas to make with this picture. However, the drawback is the space is kind of limited. I thinking of where to put the logo and the tagline of it. I also need to put info where to adopt this kitten.

Source: Nutriment

I like this landscape orientation. It give me a spacious amount of space to put a details, logo or brand and a tagline. The background is bright but the subject still in contrast because the color of the cat is dark. The left area might be useful for advertising.

Source: Kitten Lady

Another one! This image are perfect for advert. It is obvious the left space are spacious and very suitable for advert.

After going thoroughly, I need to go to the next step. Next step I need to make a logo using 

When I open websites, there is a box for me to put my company name. For this advert. I am going to put my company name as "Save The Purr". Then click on started. It should generate the logo for you.

When I scrolling looking for something suitable for my advert, I found the perfect logo to represent my advert as a adoption company. I change the background to white so it is standing out and the text color I change it to dark brown and light orange brown to imitate the color of the cat in the advert. Also I add a tagline which is "Make a new companion" so the message are conveyed.

Here is my logo:

I have completed my assets to put in my advert. Next post I will analyze the focus area market.
