Creating Advert (Research)

Today, I am doing an advert about Cat Adoption . I will research and do analysis about my target market. Based on my understanding, cat adoption market are very widely range because every generation love cat. Who don't love them? Let's find the answer with my research. 

Source: Profile of cat owners

According to statistic above, we can see that cat owners who acquired a cat in the last 12 months in the age of around 25-34 are the highest in the statistic. Subsequently, UK adults cat owners have the most in the age above 65 years old. From my observation, many baby boomers (1944-1964) have already own or adopt a cat. In spite of that, we can assess that in the range of 18-44 (Gen Z - Gen X) years old that acquiring a cat in the 12 months are mostly high. 

From my research, there are still cat scatter around in the UK without an owner. Detailed study assert that; "it has been revealed that the UK’s unknown or feral cat population is around 247,429 individuals" (Cosgraove,2024). With the help of an organization this number will most likely go lower. with a good advert. We need to make make the number lower because these cats are unsafe. In the same study claims that; "Many of these cats will be born, live, and die on the streets, surviving on small prey and scavenging"(Cosgraove,2024). These cat are vulnerable to dangerous environment, a kind and good foster surely can save these cats!

For me to properly advert my advertisement, I need to know my field of market. According to my research, a report stated that; "Facebook has become significantly more popular as a source for buying a cat (despite Cats Protection’s Big Kitten Con campaign earlier this year which focused on the dangers of buying online) with over 200,000 cats bought via the platform in the last year (2021)"(Andre,2022). I have learnt Gen X are most heaviest Facebook users. This is perfect! I need to include a Facebook details on my advert so it reach those Gen X customers. 


Protection, C. (2023). CATS Report 2023 | CATS Report | Cats Protection. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Jan. 2024].

Protection, C. (2023b). CATS Report Cats and Their Stats UK 2023. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Jan. 2024].

Marc-André (2022). Cat Adoption Numbers Decrease as Online Buying Rises. [online] Katzenworld. Available at: [Accessed 20 Jan. 2024].

Cosgrove, N. (2022). 18 Shocking UK Animal Shelter Statistics & Facts (Updated in 2023). [online] Hepper. Available at: [Accessed 20 Jan. 2024].
