Sequential Images Class Practice

Today I have a class practice to describe all the sequential images that my mate and I taken. We were given our first task to take a sequential images using all the props that we have. Although, the props that we had was limited, we still got an idea with the doll in the studio. The picture were taken by Iphone 13. 

We starting by making a scenario where we put a couple of dolls together to make them look like talking about some random topic. Next, we take a picture of another doll gradually joining them in a conversation. After that, we rearrange the dolls looking up at another doll in the sky as I grabbed it to imitate it as a monster floating from the sky. Then, we had a plan to throw the monster doll towards the other dolls to make it like it's attacking from above. I use the Burst photo mode to take a quick picture of mate throwing the monster towards the other dolls. 

After we settle taking all of the photos, I transport the picture from the phone to Google Drive so we both can share and have access to the picture. Iphone photos format were in HEIC, so I convert all the images using ILoveIMG ( After all the images converted, I select all the images and make a contact sheet using contact sheet generator. ( Here is the contact sheet:


From the contact sheet, I picked 6 images as the final piece of my sequential images class practice. To make that possible, we need to edit those images. The first step is I searched Pixlr in google search and click on the link. ( open pixlr E and create new. A box will appear, I went to Print and select A3 resolution format. I name the title as "The Attacker" and turn on the background with the color white as the background of my canvas. Then I click Create and I now have my canvas on Pixlr. The orientation of the canvas was already portrait as my intention. 

Next step is I need to import all the chosen images. To do that, I click File on top left of the menu and click Open Image. Then I went into the files on my desktop with my chosen file images that are 6 images that I like to use. A pre-resize image box will pop up, I chose full hd format resolution for every picture then click apply. Next, I did a quick check on all the images to make sure all the images are the appropriate format. The next step is to move all the images into my canvas. I click on Select and Select all on top of the menu. Then click Edit then Copy. After that, I went back to my canvas, click on Edit and Paste. I do this step for each images. After all of that process complete, I click on Arrange or Move Tool on left hand menu. I click on my images on the canvas and move it to appropriate place with tidy and neat alignment. I use Transform tool to resize it to the best size. I  repeat the same process for the 6 images. After align all of the images, I add a text by clicking on Text tool  on the left hand menu to make title. I click on the canvas and box will appear asking if I want to make a new text layer. Then I click on add. A new text box appear. I move the text box at the bottom. To edit the text, I double click on the text box and wrote the title and the names. So on, on the top of the menu, I select Fill option to change the color. I chose black as the color. Also, I change the font called Adolfine and setting the size to 100. All of this step are from the top menu. After done that, I use Arrange tool or Move tool to move it at the bottom right of the canvas. I click Format tool on top of the meny and change the aligment. Last but not least, I check thoroughly all the images and chose File on the top menu,then Export and  Quick export image as PNG. I chose my desktop as my save location. Here is the final piece: 


Overall, I am satisfied enough with the outcomes. However, I believe that our photograph can be improve. For instance, we can take a good scene with just closer picture. We also can use better prop but by that time, the props were limited. For a first time of my sequential images, I consider it as success as it tell the story to the watcher of the picture. 


  1. Very well done for completing this please just add a little reflection on the final outcome


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