Major Project: Campaign Plan

As for my major project this term, I am going to design a film campaign poster of a new movie that will be coming to the cinema. I am planning to make a design of an action adventure where it take place in advance technology of cyberpunk city where the city is rich with neon light.  I did my 6 plan of sketches of the design with different composition. I need to consider the typography to use, colour scheme for background and foreground and the composition. For this post I will be describe about the composition of my poster and the elements that I will put on it.

Based on the picture above is my sketch. This design is just a simple design where the protagonist is the main character as the main subject on this design. The main character will be as a foreground and the background will be a cool colour of neon lit picture. The title will be on top of the main subject head as the tagline will be just under the title. On the subject will be the name of the cast.

This design is presenting three character of the movie as the main subject of this design. In this design, I am planning to put two men and one women which for now I think Cillian Murphy, Keanu Reeves and Ana De Armas would be impeccable. This design has a contrast of warm and cool colour where the cool colour is on the right and the warm colour is on the left. For cool colour I am considering colours like blue, purple and green meanwhile warm colour, red, yellow and orange would be suitable. The title of this design will be just under main subject with tagline under it. On top of it, I am planning to put the director name, meanwhile under the design will be the cast name.

This design composition is the two character from the movie will be on the left as a foreground of the poster. Under the subject, I will put a sports advanced car to represent that this movie will be on cyberpunk era. The foreground will have a background that will blended with the background colour. I am thinking of blue and yellow. On top right of the design will be the tagline, under the car will be the title of my the movie and under it, is the cast name of the movie. 

This design indicating that the main character will be on top of building witnessing the city full of building lit by the neon light. The main character as a subject and will be the foreground of this design and the colour will be in warm colour. The buildings will be as a background with neon light colour such as blue, pink and purple. On top middle of this design is the title with tagline under it. Under the design the cast name of the movie.

This design is where the main character will be on the ground which his left and right side is the building with neon light and sign. That will be the foreground of this design. The background will be a far perspective of tall building and the colour will be warm colour. The title and tagline will be on top of the main subject legs with cast name under the design.

This design is foreshadowing story of a movie where the background is where the main villain will be meanwhile the main character will be the silhouette on the foreground. On the foreground, it will be warm colour, and on the middle is a subject where the character looking upwards and under it is the title with cast name under it. On the background, I will emphasize the main villain and I am thinking of making the eyes of the villain glowing so it evoke the evilness int it. the background colour will cool colour filled with buildings lit with neon light. On top of the main villain is the tagline of the movie.

