Major Project: Initial Research

 For my Graphic Design Major Project, I will do a research on the graphic designer and their work. I will make a research of how they doing their work, what aspects are they considering to make a good graphic design work and might be trying to apply their skills or tips into my project. 

“Return from the River Kwai” (1989) by Saul Bass
Source: IndieWire

Based on the picture, this is an artwork from Saul Bass for a movie poster. I can see he use a complimentary colour on the sun with orange and green on the sea weed. However, the important part is this poster was design in 1980's which is consider the greatest design on that year I suppose. As we can see his design are minimal and not much of a subject. This ideas of modern simplistic concept design shown their acceptance during the fifties. A journal stated that; "Bass proposed a revolution both at a conceptual and a formal level. At a conceptual level, what he called a "simple idea" used for the creation of a graphic symbol"(Alvarez, 2013). We can observe that in the 1950's, people are starting to evolution a poster to a more simplistic design with a great meaning in it. In the same journal stated that; "His method of work consisted of creating a graphic symbol that gathered the essence of the film"(Alvarez, 2013). Even though his work are minimal and simple, he's great at convey the hidden message on the poster that keep people intrigued. However, I believe that this design is not suitable for Gen Z because of the gloomy and colour.

Guardians of The Galaxy (2014)
Source: Marvel

This is an example how the current action super heroes movie poster. I love this poster as is shown so many things going on but the designer still can manage to keep it so tidy. The background colour is gradient blue showing that it is out in the space. Famous graphic designer, James Verdesoto stated that; "This a perfect example of colour going beyond the traditional yellow and orange palette, and kind of introducing the secondary colours, purple and green bring in a whole new language of movie poster commmunication in the marketplace"(Vanity Fair,2019). This kind of poster with colour combination I need to achieve to successfully bring up the quality to show to the Gen Z. 

Dune (2021)
Source: BBC

This one of the work of Matt Ferguson. To my perspective, this poster has some really spectacular design. With the dark colour and the character being in the background with dune and a single person on a dune being the foreground of the poster. This poster is not for action poster but I think this is really perfect for Gen Z people. The design are not to heavy but rather clear.


Alvarez, Sara Blancas . “Cinema and Graphic Design: Title Sequences by Saul Bass and Juan Gatti - ProQuest.”, 2013, [Accessed 6 Feb. 2024.]

Armstrong, Simon . “Star Wars Illustrator Matt Ferguson and the Return of Classic Poster Art.” BBC News, 29 Apr. 2023, [Accessed 6 Feb. 2024]

Fair, Vanity . “Movie Poster Color Schemes, Explained.” Vanity Fair, 11 Mar. 2019, [Accessed 6 Feb. 2024]


  1. Good that you looked at these designs and considered your target market I do think you need to consider composition, layout, typography in much more detail


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