Target Market/Ideal Customer

 I have look out for my type of Target Market for my Neon Cyberpunk film campaign using Venngage. This is target market for my film campaign:

Movie campaign is one of the method to advert the incoming movie towards the audience. However, there are difference types of method to reach the right audience as different generation has different preference. According to Deloitte (2021), showing the graph of 18% of Millennials watching TV shows or movies at home

This indicate that Millennials or later, incline to watch a movies or a series out in the cinema or even in their home, in contrast of Generation Z. Generation Z are more inclined to digital and playing video games instead of going out watching movies. Millennials incline to experience the big screen, immersive sound and communal atmosphere of movies theatres as they grew up with traditional movie theaters, so they are likely to be more attached to cinema (Nayeem, 2023). With the knowledge of knowing that Millennials will be more attracted to movies, a good advertisement is a must for a film campaign to approach them. In two aspects of digital and physical advert. The top social media platforms that typically used by the Millennials are Facebook (87%), Instagram (72%), and YouTube (66%) (Lindner, 2023). Displaying the advert of a film campaign using these platform would be effective and surely will gain interest of watcher. As in physical aspects, since Millennials still going out to the cinema, promoting a physical poster in a appropriate location like shopping malls where people walking around is still reasonable but not as effective as digital advertisement. Then, film campaign also can be appealing. Actors like Keanu Reeves and great director, Christopher Nolan would definitely catch Millennials eyes, as the involvement of certain actors, directors, or writers can influence the target audience (Felin, 2023). 

The film campaign that I designed is fascinated for the Millennials Ideal Customer and with the research I did, it would be effective to advert this film campaign to reach the Millennials audience with the right advert location and the advantage of cast like Keanu Reeves. 


Deloitte (2021). Digital Media trends, 15th Edition. [online] Deloitte Insights. Available at: [Accessed 3 Mar. 2024]. 

Lindner, J. (2023). Millennials On Social Media Statistics [Fresh Research] • Gitnux. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Mar. 2024].

Nayeem, M. (2023). Lights, Camera, Generations: How Gen-Zs & Millennials Differ in Consuming Film & TV. [online] AUDACITY Magazine & Events. Available at: [Accessed 3 Mar. 2024]. (2023). How can you identify the target audience for a film? [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Mar. 2024].


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