Object Lesson

 Today, we are continuing with our development ideas for our project. Today lesson is quite extra ordinary as we are required to develop and generate an ideas from an object. This object should make me feel related and connected to what am I doing. These are the objects:

For the first object which is the British soldier, some ideas pop out that I am going to make something that stereotyping about British. I started to draw some icon or elements that related to the British soldier. 

For the piggy bank objects, I am thinking of something like a coin of a pound that actually related to British culture. Then, I redraw the piggy bank to generate some other ideas. 

After that, I come up with some ideas like making a vintage propaganda poster. I have came up with propaganda like British soldier saving money with the piggy bank and it related to my graphic design, making a poster. So, I just simply made a sketch about the poster at the lower right of the paper. Here is my doodles that I did:

Next, Zoe commented about my doodles said that I should do something that are related to me. She explain about her own experience about British, she told me, although she's a British citizen, she felt like a minority because in Leicester we have a diverse culture and races scattering. To my perspective, when I was back in Malaysia, I really have this imagination that British is pack with their own people rich with culture with unique kind of accent that made me want to come to England and learn their culture, experience them. To my surprise, when I come to Leicester, it did not come to my expectation. Still this is not negative, but I was kind of disappointed. Since this topic is related to me, I tried to make a propaganda poster and I draw it. This is my draw:

This is concept of a poster where the United Kingdom flag in another flags. I also made a bit of a research, what is the top of the immigration in the UK which is Indian, Nigerian, China, Pakistani and Ukrainian. (Cheatham, 2023)


www.ons.gov.uk. (n.d.). Long-term international migration, provisional - Office for National Statistics. [online] Available at: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/populationandmigration/internationalmigration/bulletins/longterminternationalmigrationprovisional/yearendingjune2023#:~:text=In%20the%20YE%20June%202023%2C%20the%20top%20five%20non%2DEU. (Accessed date: 10/04/2024)


  1. I am hoping you will ad more research and development and finish with an outcome for this ...


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