
 The end of term 2 has nearly come to an end. The projects that I was doing, making album cover with Pop Art style really gave me an impactful lesson. I will remind myself through out the whole process of me making the album from beginning to the end and reflect my doings. 

When I first got the brief of creating design that related to my progression route with Pop art theme, my mind was just straight thinking about album cover. This is because is love how aesthetic album cover can be yet very iconic like Nirvana and My Chemical Romance album cover. Although, I knew that I need to design it by myself but, initially I was thinking of using celebrity in my project instead of using me in my design. That was how I improve my album by met my tutor Zoe. She was super helpful in giving me tips and lesson of how I should make my design. When I was approaching the ideas of using celebrity, she said why don't I use myself in my design, as I am Graphic Designer, I should add the elements of me in my design, and that is very true. So, I change my mind, I established a band called "Amalgamation" with member are Ange my fellow classmates and myself Syafiq. 

By the time I am processing my design idea, I was numb to be honest. Until, I realize that my friends and I had a same interest in Japanese. That was when I am using the Japanese Pop Art elements and apply it into my album design. I had to do a lot of research on Pop Art artist like Peter Blake and Tadanori Yokoo which are very helpful for me to understand the Pop Art definition. Also, I did some concept research of what the elements that should be included in album because I have zero knowledge about album elements. Then, since term 2 started, I was thinking of broadening my software skills like using Adobe Illustrator as Adobe Illustrator is very crucial skills for Graphic Designer. I had to admit that, the album band logo design is not very appealing to see, however, in the next term I will sharpen my software skills to improve my design. 

After I finish all my 6 design album, I was proceeding into printing. Initially, I was thinking of using the workshop at Vijay Patel they offer, but that did not quite came to what I have expected. The Fine Art Print workshop offer paper materials which are not suitable for my album, then I went to Digital Printing Workshop but they only offer fabrics materials. I had to meet with Zoe to discuss about this. End up, she gave me this transparent box for me to present with, which are perfect as the cube box has 6 side and I have 6 design. Next term, I will make sure to check the availability of the DMU workshop and what are they offering in term of materials and printing machine. I will make sure that I made a research on that too, and might be interviewing the technician to enhance my knowledge about it. 

Overall, I am ecstatic with my own design album which I put a lot of work that included my friends. I am very grateful and thanks to them. I still think that my design can be improve and I should be thinking of commencing my own new invention design that could tell that its from my own personality design. I will be considering this through out my whole year as a student in DMU. 

I am looking forward to the next. Wish myself to do the best next. 
