Art Portfolio 2: Alignment and Composition Sketches

Since it is already halfway of the term, I am going to focus on the actual alignment and composition of my 2D design. I use both digital and physical to make this happen.

Fig 1

Fig 1 poster is suppose to be a poster like a silhouette of the text and the elements like the grass and branches in the moon. The color that I was thinking was a black and orange colour palette since this design really emphasize on the silhouette. The background should be dark and the moon where I will put everything. I am thinking of implementing grasses and eerie tree branches. The text will be a custom text that I downloaded, which is a specific type of font that evoke the Halloween focus.

Fig 2

Fig 2 poster is more into minimal and simple poster. The ideas was the border was fill up with the elements of Halloween such as, grave stone, pumpkin, webs and bats. All those elements will be in vector illustration that I plan to take it from stock. Then, the background suppose to be dark orange so the text can be stand out from all those elements. The context that I will be included is the festival title, New Cromwell and the date. I am thinking of making this typography while designing in software.

Fig 3

Fig 3 is a poster that emphasize of the title resurrection, the idea was trying to  indicate a skeleton that coming out of the underground graveyard. Then, all the design I was thinking like engrave on the grave stone. The text and the date. However, Sam suggest me to put the date on the below side of the poster which could work better. I am thinking of using the combination of purple and green Halloween color palette here.

Fig 4

Fig 4 is a poster that will be more into typography and a list of activities that will be happening in the festival. The background will be like a gradient color. The font will be specific font that I will download that match with Halloween title.

Fig 5

Fig 5 is a two ideas of ticket that I initially think about to make. The top is a regular that typically brought physical into the event festival and below is like wristband ticket. I am going to use a specific color palette that matches the theme, also put interactive elements like barcode on the big ticket. However, I should be remember that my 2D outcomes suppose to be digital so wristband ticket might not be neccessary.


Fig 6

Fig 6 is my initial composition and alignment for my brochure. The ideas was using a trifold brochure. I had gathered some inspiration surfing the internet and this is what I have got. The brochure should be pack with information about the activities that will be held in the event and also the aesthetic should be emphasize to. That is because to make the brochure much more interesting that can caught the audience attention.
