Art Portfolio 2: Target Market

Before I move on with my design, I will do a target market research to make sure that my design reach by the correct audience, consequently become effective marketing. It is crucial to know my target market since every generation have different taste and attractiveness.

There are quite some generation that participate in Halloween festival. In general, there are different types of generation currently. It is important to acknowledge them as a designer due to their personality affected by their age (Robinson, 2023). The generation are The Builders (Born <1946),Baby Boomers (Born 1946-1964), Generation X (Born 1965-1979), Generation Y (Born 1980-1994), Generation Z (Born 1995-2009) and Generation Alpha (Born 2010-2024) (McCrindle, 2021). 

All of the generation that I listed have different analysis of how many times they engage and participate in an event. According to PYMNTS (2024), social media platform like Snapchat and TikTok were part of Gen Z daily lives and they communicate effortlessly through this platform. This data also can be related to the age that highly engaging in Halloween festival. As stated by Hockstein (2021), the percentage of Americans that celebrate Halloween festival is 71% and the highest participation in the Gen Z. Moreover, this statement can be supported by New York Post (2023), which study leads that the surveys between 1000 Gen Z and 1000 Millennials that celebrating the Halloween festival, which met the expectation that Gen Z consider this festival very seriously.

To sum up everything, these research that I made was obviously indicate that the most engaging generation that taking parts in Halloween festival is Gen Z. From now on, I have a clear target market and I shall move on with my design that are appropriate for Gen Z, so that, my design for the festival would be more effective.


Hockstein, K. (2021). How Consumers Across Generations Celebrate Halloween. [online] Collage Group. Available at: [Accessed 30 Jul. 2024].

McCrindle, M. (2021). The generations defined - McCrindle. [online] mccrindle. Available at: [Accessed 30 Jul. 2024].

New York Post (2023). Gen Z takes Halloween parties more seriously than millennials. [online] New York Post. Available at: [Accessed 30 Jul. 2024].

PYMNTS (2024). How the Generations Navigate the Digital Economy: An 11 Country Perspective. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Jul. 2024].

Robinson, E. (2023). Do Generational Differences Matter? [online] Hogan Assessments. Available at: [Accessed 30 Jul. 2024].
