Art Portfolio 2: Welcome Post

 Greetings! Welcome back to Syafiq Aesthetic Graphic Design voyage blog. for the third times. For this term, I will be approaching all my process, works, drawing, software and outcomes of my Art Portfolio 2 in this blog. First of all, I would like to reflect my work on last term. In the last term of Art Portfolio 1, I was planning to make a vinyl cover 3D outcomes, however that did not occur. After I finished designer my cover digitally, I went to the DMU workshop to seek for vinyl printer, and unfortunately that kind of printer is not available. So, I end up printing all my 6 covers and put in transparent cube. 

This term I would like to achieve a far more professional outcome particularly with my 3D outcomes. I will look thoroughly, analysis and expecting the realistic outcome that is possible for me. I would make this happen by discussing my brief with my tutor Zoe. 

In my first day of Art Portfolio 2 lesson, the introduction to the project that I we are going to make are really interesting as our tutor really pour their fullest effort for us. They even make a video for us to understand the assignment more intuitively. To be frank, the video really help me understanding more about the assignment that given for us for this term. We were given a brief of what should we do for this term. They introduced us a location after a really terrible wild fire going on in Cromwell and it become New Cromwell after the wild fire burnt the town.

Since my progression route is a graphic design, I receive a brief assign that related to graphic design field. New Cromwell is gradually healing with a great progression and there will be a Halloween Festival incoming. I as a graphic designer need to approach a new brand and promote a effective advertising about my new brand. I should establish a new brand with a series of four poster to advert the festival, the ticket for it and brochure. My 3D outcomes should be like a Digital Billboard with 10-30 duration and it need to be interactive. 


  1. Good welcome post, very clear with reflection on last term - well done


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