Art Portfolio 2: Week 6 Catch Up Tutorial

 In week 6, I was having a catch up tutorial with Zoe discussing about my project progression. This is the link: Syafiq Week 6 Tutorial

I was emphasized that I am a bit slow and lack of progression. This is my action that I should be taking in order for me to catch up and have a great grade since it is almost a few weeks left to work on my project.

  • I will make a post about Finalising Brand so I can move on into my actual 2D main design
  • I will finish up my initial research
  • I will make make experiment with more colour palette and make it limited
  • Improve my technical research
  • Add commentary in my composition and alignment sketches blog post
  • Show progression of my Graphic Design 

I will try to make this possible by the end of this week, so the next week I can focus designing my 2D work.
